Concluding Class

less than 1 minute read

  • Wrapping up class

123 GO – What’s one memory you have of this class?


  • Final will be same format as midterm, take home and in class.
  • I plan to write and release take home part this weekend, due on Wednesday, Dec. 16th. The in class part you can take any time on Wednesday, Dec. 16th.
  • I will continue to monitor Discord, you can ask me for clarification.

What we learned

  1. Analyzing real data, exploratory data analysis
  2. Data visualization
  3. R programming
  4. Intro statistical modeling and machine learning

123 GO: What was your favorite?

Parting thoughts

  1. Nice work making it through the semester.
  2. Connect on LinkedIn, I’d like to hear where you end up working.
  3. career panel in future years
  4. Stay in touch, let me know if you want me to go to any virtual graduation


STAT 196K next semester

  • What are your thoughts on Amazon AWS? Other cloud platforms? NSF supercomputers?
