Fighting Food Waste with Hunger




Food waste in the United States


Approximately 133 billion pounds and $161 billion worth of food in 2010

A group of people are throwing away food while another group does not have enough food.


Hunger in the United States



Average of 4.1 million Californians living in 2.0 million households received CalFresh benefits each month in federal fiscal year 2017




1st SMART Objective – Get at least 50 restaurant and retail stores in Sacramento to donate unsold food items by 2022 

2nd SMART Objective – Get one fourth of all restaurants and retail stores in Sacramento County to donate unsold food items by 2025

3rd SMARRT Objective –Get one third of all restaurants and retail stores in California to donate their unsold food items by 2030




Restaurants and retail stores provide waiver forms to people with low income and give out their unsold food items to those who sign the waiver form


By donating the unsold food items to the recipients of Cal Fresh, California can fight food waste with hunger.

People living with poverty sign waiver forms provided by the restaurants and retail stores to receive unsold food items from restaurants and retail stores  





Maw Maw takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Maw Maw Name and not that of California State University, Sacramento.