Joshua Wiscons

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
California State University, Sacramento
Sacramento, CA 95819, U.S.A.


I go by Josh, pronouns he/him, and I'm in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at California State University, Sacramento. Previously, I worked as a visiting assistant professor at Hamilton College and as a postdoctoral researcher at Universität Münster on an NSF International Research Fellowship. Here's my CV.

This website contains information for the classes that I am teaching as well as details about my research and my lab. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

Courses & Seminars

Math 35 (Linear Algebra) - Spring 2024 [Section 02]
Math 100 (Applied Linear Algebra) - Spring 2024 [Section 07]
Math 110A (Modern Algebra 1) - Spring 2024 [Section 03]
All Courses - Past and Present
Seminars & Talks
Change Maker Series
Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics (ANTC) Seminar
ANTC Seminar Series: Topics in Permutation Groups - Spring 2022

Resource Lists

Sacramento State Campus Resources
College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics Resources

Campus Events

Rebecca Covarrubias flyer
Rebecca Covarrubias

  • 02.28.2024
  • 3:00–4:15 PM
  • Union Hinde Auditorium
More info

Student Research Panel flyer
Math|Stat Student Research Panel

  • 04.02.2024
  • 3:00–4:15 PM
  • Brighton 202
More info

Omayra Y. Ortega
Omayra Y. Ortega

  • Math|Stat Change Maker Series
  • 04.30.2023
  • 3:30–4:45 PM
  • Brighton 202
More info