A woman receives messages about beauty through tv shows, social media, music videos, advertisements, and more every day.  Those messages are stereotypes because there should not be any rules, nor policies for woman's beauty. Each woman has her unique beauty and does not need to cover it with tones of makeup, expensive clothing, and, most important, plastic surgeries. Because of the stereotypes, women do not feel self-confident, motivated, and happy. In contrast, they feel depressed, self-doubting, anxious, and more.

If you are the one who suffers from beauty stereotypes, below are the tips that will help to destroy them and will help to gain self-confidence.

·      Reduce watching social media videos about beauty.

·      Unfollow beauty bloggers who are trying to influence you by sending messages about today’s trends.

·      Find support, someone who will have the same goal. A friend or a couple of friends for the encouragement of each other.

·      Watch inspiring and heart-touching videos about women who suffer from stereotypes and how they cope and overcome them.

·      Make photos without make-up and put pictures all-around your house.

·      Make compliments to other women who are not wearing makeup regularly.




A person with blonde hair

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Inspiring Video “Be a Lady They Said - Girls. Girls. Girls. Magazine”


·       Alla Brunza  takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Alla Brunza  and not that of California State University, Sacramento.