this is our ocean!

And it needs you!

The Facts:

Every year we catch between 1 to 2.7 Trillion fish! We over fish from our oceans and rivers to the point various fish species are becoming endangered like the wild salmon.

Our annual amount of trash that gets dumped in the ocean through means of littering and other way equals 14 billion pounds a year. That is equivalent to the weight of 41,000 blue whales.

Freighting ships cause so much pollution that every year they kill over 100,000 marine animals from the pollution of their carbon emissions. Those same carbon emissions cause over 125,000 new cases of cancer a year for human beings too. Its not just the marine life we’re killing, it’s ourselves as well.

Orange canoes at sea


3 leading causes for ocean pollution & harm:

Dead Fish Skeleton with solid fill

1.       Over fishing


Dead Fish Skeleton with solid fill

2.      Dumping Waste in the ocean


Dead Fish Skeleton with solid fill

3.      Freight Ship travels


How You Can Help!

Fish with solid fill

·         Fish Responsibly and less


·         Stop Littering in and near the ocean


·         Donate to organizations trying to help like “4Ocean” who is activley cleaning the ocean now!


Koi with solid fill


                  Clownfish with solid fill   

It may seem scary and even daugnting to even start on the road of recovery for our oceans and our own future.


But if we do our part individually and come together we can have future generations, your kids and grandkids, enjoy the beauty this world has to offer.


Instead of them seeing coastlines lined with litter and not knowing what certain animals are, like salmon, because they went extinct because we couldn’t make a sacrifice now.

Francisco Barajas takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Francisco barajas and not that of California State University, Sacramento.