What Is A Digital Footprint?

Personal Profile Analyzer


Herky Data Security Services, LLC

Protecting the hive since 2001

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Herky Data Services do with profile reports after they are completed?

Herky Data Security Services stores under your account profile for a year before being safely deleted.

Does Herky Data Services store my login information?

Herky Data Security Services does not collect or store your login information. During your session with a Herky Agent, you will be logging into your social media platforms on your own computer to ensure your safety.

How long does it take to receive my report?

Reports can take anywhere between a few minutes to a few days dependent on the amount of accounts, size of profiles and volume of requests at any given moment.

How long does it take for an application to be approved?

Applications typically take between two days to two weeks, dependent on the number of accounts, size of profiles and volume of requests.

How long does the live session last with a Herky agent last?

Live sessions with Herky Agents last typically between 30 to 60 minutes.

What forms of identification will I need to present?

We ask that you provide an ID or driver’s license. Though, passports or other legal forms of identification will work as well.

Can I become a Herky agent?

Yes! We are currently recruiting members to become Herky Agents. For more information, please email us at herky.recuitment@csus.edu.



Contact Information





Jaime Dominguez takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Jaime Dominguez and not that of California State University, Sacramento