Grow your own food!
→ Helps you eat more fruit and veggies
along the way.
→ More nutrients from the food.
Eat less meat!
→ Produce less harmful gasses to the
→ Leads to less pollution.
Buy local – reduce traveling!
→ Good way to eat the best food for you
while reducing your carbon footprint.
Waste less!
→ Donate food to local food banks.
→ Use for composting.
Important ways we would like to reduce climate change!
✓ We would like to enact local gardens in each city by 2030. This would mean making it a priority
to make community gardens accessible to everyone to reduce the need for everyone obtaining
their food from the grocery store.
✓ We would like to reduce meat-intake from factory farms for everyone by at least 30%. The
average American family eats 888lbs of meat in one year! The supply chain of the meat industry
has a major impact on the environment.
✓ We would strongly like to encourage the donation of leftover food to food banks to help
otherwise while limiting waste.
Jenny Koch takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page
represents that of Jenny Koch and not that of California State University, Sacramento.