Welcome to Math 100
Instructor |
Section |
Time |
Location |
Ali Behzadan |
5 |
(TuTh)7:30 am - 8:45 am |
Amador Hall 260 |
Ali Behzadan |
6 |
(TuTh) 9:00 am - 10:15 am |
Amador Hall 260 |
Click on your instructor's name in the table to send an email to your instructor.
Instructor Office Hours:
click here
Lecture Slides
The lectures are typically given
via tablet with some information posted to the course webpage before each lecture.
Below, you will find the 'before' notes for each lecture (as they are produced). The 'after' notes will hopefully be posted to the course Canvas page as they are produced.
The files are password-protected. You can find the password in item 6 of the email sent to students on Monday, 01/13/2025.
This introductory email is the first announcement on the course Canvas page.
Study tips:
- 1- Skim the notes the day before the lecture.
- 2- Make sure you can access the notes during lecture.
- 3- Rewrite the notes (create your own notes) soon after lecture while the lecture is still fresh in your mind.
Extra Credit
Almost every pen-and-paper homework assignment includes some questions marked in bold. You will get extra credit
if you come to any of my office hours
and explain your solutions to those questions.
For each successful presentation you will earn 1/2 point extra credit which will be added directly to
your final grade.