Click the picture to read about celebrity

trainer Bob Harper and his heart attack.

Heart Disease Kills

·      According to the CDC 647,000 people are killed each year due to heart related illnesses.

·      We need to be aware of the causes of this fatal disease and fight back against it.

·      What are you waiting for? Together we can make a change and a difference.

Click this picture to learn how Bill Clinton recovered from his heart attack with a new diet.


Don’t wait until it’s too late, make the change now and live a longer healthier life.

Smart Objectives

1.     Decrease the amount of people getting heart disease by 5% in 5 years

2.     Increase awareness of the fatality caused by heart disease by 40% of the class by the end of the semester.

3.     Donate $50,000 to the American Heart Association by 2023 with the help of my internet friends.





1.     Reduce the amount of animals, and animal product that we consume by going more plant based.

2.     Exercise as much as possible.

3.     Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.

4.     Don’t smoke cigarettes

5.     Get an appropriate amount of sleep

6.     Manage stress levels.

7.     Try to maintain a healthy weight

8.     Go to the doctor for a regular check-up

9.     Be aware of your blood pressure and keep it under control

10. Keep diabetes under control if you have it, having diabetes doubles risk of heart disease.


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Aaron Bigham takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Aaron Bigham and not that of California State University, Sacramento.