Periods Happen

How can we shed the cycle of shame and stigma that surrounds menstruation? Simple, by educating and creating community. So let’s bloody talk about it!

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We fight for normalizing periods because everyone deserves to have their period in peace. #endperiodpoverty


We educate. We normalize. We fight. We amplify. We win.




Period poverty is the economic, social, cultural, and political barriers to menstrual education, sanitation, products, and healthcare.




Menstrual health is the well-being of a person’s physical, social, and mental state not meaning the absence of infirmity, or disease related to the menstrual cycle.

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A 2021 study showed that 76% of students believed that there was a stigma and negativity surrounding menstruation, that periods were gross and unsanitary. 65% of students said that society teaches people to be ashamed of periods.


People who menstruate are ostracized daily. Normalizing periods is key to supporting the United Nations’ Global Goal 5 by creating a more gender-equal society and ending extreme poverty around the world. You can join us and take action on this issue here


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Even though a thoughtful conversation can lead to a better quality of life, the stigma surrounding periods plagues women around the world. A 2018 poll found that 58% of women in the United States felt embarrassed for even having a period.



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A. Frazee takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information presented on this page represents that of A.Frazee and not that of California State University Sacramento.