Covid’s Mental Health Crisis


Since March 2020, America along with the rest of the world has been in a constant lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic. Many people have lost their loved ones and many who survived are still suffering from symptoms. People have moved to remote working and schools have moved to online operations. The lockdowns have helped many people avoid being infected with the coronavirus, but it has had a severe effect on their mental health caused from being isolated from other people especially school and college students. More than 42% of the people surveyed by the census bureau reported to be suffering from some form of anxiety or depression. Another study by FAIR Health, a nonprofit found that self-harm claims among teenagers increased by an alarming 99% during the pandemic.


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How to Get Help to People in Need

  1. Providing free services to address mental health issues because many people might not be able to afford it especially in today’s time when so many people are out of jobs.
  2. Raising awareness on how people can seek care for mental health issues.
  3. Raise awareness against suicide prevention and self-harm.
  4. Schools and universities should set up a dedicated zoom session or a phone line where people can call in to speak with counselors and other medical professionals.
  5. Encourage people to not be afraid of what other people might think when they talk about their mental health issues and to stop stigmatizing it.
  6. Talk with their loved ones or friends about what they are going through.
  7. Encourage people to go out for walks, find new hobbies or get involved in sports which can be played with a safe distance,



                                         California’s Mental Health Support Resources

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Connect with a Live Mental Health Specialist Using the Link Below

California’s Youth Mental Health Crisis Live Chat

More Information from The CDC On the Crisis




Arvinder Shah takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Arvinder Shah and not that of California State University, Sacramento