





Solution for a better future

Give the Homeless Homes | The New Yorker       Although there is no guaranteed method of solving homelessness there are ways you can enhance the chances for a better community. 

·      Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community.  There are many shelters in Sacramento that would appreciate the extra help.  Some other ways of volunteering are food drives, school help, and donating old clothes.                                                                                                   

·      A lot of fundraisers are formed through shelters or even online.  Crowdfunding is a popular way to get/receive funds or go directly to sources such as the National Homelessness Law Center (https://homelesslaw.org/). 

·      Going to City Hall is a great way to understand what the city is doing and how certain rules affect homelessness.  Asking questions and participating during these meetings can also bring more awareness.

·      You can join campaigns and with elections coming up there will be more campaigns rising for potential candidates.  This benefits both sides and you’ll be participating within the community. 

·      Educating the youth about money management and how the stock market works in relation to the economy is important because these are vital tips everyone should know.  With how the market is doing right now it is crucial that the youth recognizes and studies what is happening.





Possible outcomes for the Solutions


If you were to volunteer in the Sacramento Community, you will find amazing people and create a positive impact on the community.

Providing funds for fundraisers really does make a difference because the money is used towards essential needs.  Post-pandemic living has been hard for some people and funding the essentials can help jump start their lives.

Going to City Hall to understand how the community functions can help how you operate different ways to help the homeless.


Election season is an easy way to connect with future government officials.  Doing this can help broaden their perspective on homelessness in Sacramento.


The future generations can learn off of what happened within the past couple years and if/when history repeats itself they are more prepared financially and mentally.




Outcome-Based Selling: A Quick Guide | TSIAAchieving Happiness by Helping Others | Psychology Today Singapore















·      Sacramento is a community filled with amazing people and because of this there are many ways to get help.  Below will contain resources for the Sacramento Community. If you’re in need of immediate assistance please call 2-1-1 or,916-498-1000, or 1-800-4931, or 7-1-1 if you are hearing impaired.



Fundraising         Volunteering         Campaign         Shelters         City Hall         Non-Profits








Ashish Krishna takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Ashish Krishna and not that of California State University, Sacramento.