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Current Concern:


Since 2020, the Broadway corridor in Sacramento, CA has deteriorated. Businesses are vacating due to “blocks of homeless transients, escalating crime, and legitimate safety concerns for the residents and business owners who live and work there”. Additionally, the city is not taking responsibility for their lack of intervention.



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Proposed Solution:


To form a local coalition to increase community engagement, health, and address immediate concerns.






When should you form a coalition?


·       When the local health department cannot accomplish its objective of protecting and improving the health of the community alone.


·       When program resources are scarce, coalitions can bring stakeholders together and reduce competition and duplication.


What does a community coalition do?


Brings people together to identify common problems or goals, mobilize resources, and implement strategies to reach identified goals.




Where to start?


è  Community Needs Assessment Guide.





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Why should you engage?



·       A greater ability to bring about the changes you want to see.


·       Empowerment.


·       Increased self-sufficiency among community members.


·       Increased social support.


·       Greater equity in society.


·       A supportive, inclusive, and capable community promotes mental, physical, and social well-being more than any other factors known to the social and medical sciences.


Common Barriers:


·       Fuzzy goals or objectives.


·       No plan.


·       One agency having too much authority, perceived or real.


·       Burning members out with too many meetings, or meetings that last too long,

or meeting locations that are too hard to reach.


·       Holding meetings too infrequently to be effective.


·       Money woes. Not enough to cover basic operating costs.


·       Staff/member turnover and burnout.


·       Language barriers. Make sure there are bilingual members willing to translate.







1.    Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships

2.    Assessing Community Needs and Resources

3.    Strategies for Community Change and Improvement

4.    Maintaining Effective Community Coalitions

5.    Join or Start a Coalition

6.    Coalitions for Impacting the Health of a Community: The Summit County, Ohio Experience







Brittany Andrew takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Brittany Andrew and not that of California State University, Sacramento.