Smiling with hearts face outline with solid fillThe Importance of Improving Your Lifestyle and HealthSmiling with hearts face outline with solid fill





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The Problem: Increasing Rate in Mental Health Issues WorldwideEarth globe: Americas with solid fill

Throughout the years, there has been an increasing rate in mental health issues worldwide. Many struggle to improve their lifestyle. Improving your mental health and lifestyle can be challenging because there are not enough resources for support and many struggle to ask for help. There are many methods and steps to improve your lifestyle that will be challenging but taking one step at a time to make things easier will help you slowly improve.

What Are the Best Ways to Improve your Lifestyle and Mental Health?

1.     Exercising: being active can improve your mental and physical health

Example: exercising will keep you busy, helps gain confidence, and improve overall health

2.     Set small goals: small goals are best over big goals

Example: setting small goals will help you take steps slowly, looking at the big goals could make you reflect and be overwhelmed on the progress you have not achieved

3.     Socializing: socializing will help you find new hobbies, not feel alone

Example: you will not feel alone, socializing can get your mind off the negative things, keeps you busy and have fun

4.     Ask for help: many struggle to ask for help, but it is one of the best ways to improve

Example: you can receive advice from people with similar experiences or in therapy, keeping your problems to yourself can make you feel alone, when there is many people who would want to help

5.     Sleep: sleep is very important to relax the mind

Example: if you do not sleep enough, you will be tired throughout the day and will not be as productive

6.     Hobbies: do what you love

Example: when you do what you love it will keep your mind away from negative things, make you feel happier, listening to music and relax your mind


Additional Resources for You!

Get Help Here!

How to Improve Mental Health Here!


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Brian Huynh takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Your Name and not that of California State University, Sacramento.