Helping College Students Before It’s Too Late!


How to Make an Extra $1,000 This Month | Saving and Budgeting | US News

Project Goals for 2023

1.     Decrease the average tuition in America from the current $10,230 for state residents to $8,500 or less within the next 3 years.

2.    The number of paid internships shall rise from 40% to 60%; in relation bringing down the current 60% for unpaid internships down to 40%.

The Differences Between a Diploma, Degree, and Certificate | Vista College
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Craig Wills takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Craig Wills and not that of California State University, Sacramento.



Text Box: FAQ’s	Links
Why should my student want to obtain an internship?

What are some ways students can help prepare themselves for college?

How exactly can you reduce the amount of loan debt for college students?


What can colleges do better?

·      Decrease the cost of tuition.

·      Decrease the number of required units of general education classes.

·      Offer more paid internships through colleges.

·      Decrease mandatory campus fees to make college more affordable.