Supporting International Student Affected by the Covid-19




Covid-19 is the name of the serious illness from a virus called coronavirus that can spread from one to another. The virus has caused a big impact on the US economy. Because of its highly and quickly spread from human to human throughout the world, the government of the U.S has an order of quarantine and doing online courses instead of going to school during this pandemic time. Recently the government of the United States of America also announced the modifications to the international student visa program that would require students to return to their country since classes are fully online. However, some countries are not allowing anyone to enter their country now due to the Covid-19; therefore, the international students are having a hard time returning back to their homes.


International students from all countries in the US should get together and find the solutions to solve this problem.


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announcement of ...




·     Specific: international students staying in the US have no impact on the public health during the Covid-19 since we are following the rule from the health department


·     Measurable: measure the numbers of international students that need help in returning home in this hard time of period


·     Time-Based: extend the time staying in the U.S until the flies to their countries are available.



1.  Contact the International Programs and Global Engagement for guidance.


2.  Contact schools that they are attending for help.


3.  Request for more time to stay in America due to no flight available at this time.


4.  Gather more international students in the U.S to join this website so we can have a bigger voice.


5.  Request for flights from their country.


6.  Writing a letter with signatures to the government of the U.S explaining staying in America during this Covid-19 period has no impact to the public health since they are not traveling out of the country and willing to follow the health requirement during this time.


7.  Request to stay in campus while the dorms are closed because international students have nowhere to go while regular students can return back to their homes inside the U.S.


8.  Request for help from their home country such as help them communicate with the U.S to extend the deadline of returning back to their country when there are no flights available.


9.  Contact the state governor for help and explain they are not the problems of the Covid-19 and their expenses could also help the economy.


10.                Request to stay in the U.S until they can fly back to their country because they also got impacted by the Covid-19.



Notice: Dai Vo takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Dai Vo and not that of California State University, Sacramento