Text Box: How to fight Procrastination

Stay Organized

Invest in a planner, this way you can know exactly what to do next	Set Achievable Goals

The main goal is to beat procrastination think smaller for the other goals that way it is easier to achieve them.

Plan Deadlines

When you mark down deadlines in your planner you will know how much time to allow yourself to finish	Eliminate Distractions
You know yourself best, you must be honest with yourself and get rid of all your distractions before completing any work.	Tell someone!

If you tell someone your achievable goals, you now have someone else to hold you accountable.

Create a schedule!

 	Take necessary breaks!

Even the hardest working person takes breaks. This allows your brain to recharge that way when you come back to you work it’ll have new ideas etc.

Finish the hard tasks first!

Once you get the hard stuff out of the way, it’ll be faster to finish the rest of the assignment.	Time yourself

Timing yourself allows you to see how much time you are putting into an assignment so you can plan better for next time. This can also help tell you when it’s time to take a necessary break.	Reward yourself!
Bring back all your favorite things that may distract you because your assignment is done, and you beat procrastination...this time!
If you need more information, please follow this link! 

Disclaimer: Daniela Cabuloy takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Daniela Cabuloy and not that of California State University, Sacramento.