Food Insecurity Amongst College Students

The issue is of food insecurity amongst college students is a pressing issue. On January of 2018 the California State University system revealed the staggering results of their survey through their Basic Needs Initiative.


The Issue

Impact on Students


·      41.6% of CSU students reported having experienced food insecurity (Basic Needs Initiative)

·      10.9% of students reported experiencing homelessness one or more times in the last 12 months (Basic Needs Initiative)

·      Students who reported food insecurity, homelessness, or both also experienced physical and mental health

·      Correlated with lower academic achievement performance for students

·      Leads to higher dropout rates amongst college students

·      Recognizing as a college campus that this is a pressing issue

·      Bring awareness to the problem

·      Inform students of on campus resources already available

o   Sacramento State: foodpantry/ CARES program


Disclaimer: Denisse Garcia takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Denisse Garcia and not that of California State University, Sacramento.