A picture containing indoor, bed, messy, room

Description automatically generatedA picture containing person, indoor, cutting, person

Description automatically generatedA room filled with furniture and a large window

Description automatically generatedA group of people wearing costumes

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# of people


# of people

     Emergency shelters

947 (26%)

     Sleeping outside

1,058 (29%)

     Transitional housing

643 (18%)

     Sleeping in tents

687 (18%)


1,613 (44%)

     Sleeping in cars

307 (8%)




2,052 (56%)

Text Box: https://www.saccounty.net/Homelessness/Documents/2017_SacPIT_Final.pdf

Chart, bar chart

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In 2017, on any given night in Sacramento, there were about 3,665 people who were experiencing homelessness. You can only imagine how much worse these numbers have gotten since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic.



Ways we can help the homeless:

1.      Find those who are willing to donate food or funds that can be of assistance to the homeless.

2.    Place flyers around the Sacramento area to alert the homeless that we are here to help.

3.     Volunteer at homeless shelters.

4.    Offer free haircuts and makeover to boost the confidence of the homeless.

5.     Help the homeless fill out job applications and prep for interviews.

6.    Donate food to homeless shelters.

7.     Help those who are living on the streets to find shelter.

8.     Provide warm meals for the homeless.

9.    Educate the homeless about drug addiction and tips to avoid drugs and addiction.

10.  Come together with other organizations who already help the homeless.


Why you should help the homeless:

1.      The number one reason why we should help the homeless is because they are human like we are. Anyone can be put in their situation.

2.    If you are a high school or college student, you may need to fulfill some community service hours.

3.     You may just want to help the homeless out of the kindness of your heart.

4.    Many people who are homeless also have children. Think about your own kids or your siblings.



If you live in Sacramento and are homeless or know someone who is homeless, there are programs available to assist you:

