Overcrowding in Animal Shelters


A group of cats in a cage

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There is a lot of overcrowding in animal shelters. This has become a big problem in the United States. People abandon animals all the time. On Tik Tok people post how animals are always being abandoned at shelters and if they are abandoned at a kill shelter, they are usually euthanized. It is a big issue for people to adopt animals as “gifts” when they are living things. That you must take care of and give attention to. 6.3 million animals are abandoned every year in America and that needs to change. 3 million abandoned are dogs and 3 million abandoned are cats. That causes overcrowding in the shelters. There are only so many shelters.


Here are 5 ways we can begin to help with this problem:


1.   When looking at candidates to adopt a cat or dog, to make sure they are the right fit for the animal.

2.   Posting about the animals that need to be adopted on social media, so more people from all over can see the animal.

3.   Shelter workers should do more research by spending time with the animals to see what family they would best fit in, so they are not returned.

4.   To spread more awareness on adopt don’t shop. Which means for people to stop buying animals from breeders and to adopt an animal instead.

5.   Having a transporting service that can transfer animals to other states if there are people who are in a different state trying to adopt that animal.

How can we know if we have succeeded?


If we all get together in a country wide effort to help these animals get adopted. That means spreading more awareness of adopt don’t shop. Once, that is spread and more people are looking to adopt. We will see less crowding of shelters.


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Eera Amin takes full responsibility for the information posted on this page. The information on this page represents that of Eera Amin and not that of

California State University, Sacramento