Get rid of stress

More than half of the Americans face social problems because of stress and 70 % experience physical an emotional symptom and we are here to help you to get rid of stress and make your life better.




                          Understanding stress



    Stress is a way of our body to protect and give us extra strength to avoid any kind of damages and it also increase the concentration. This automatic system of responding to stress called fight or flight.

       One can get stressed from good or bad events in life like marriage, moving house, changing jobs all these makes our life stressful. As everything has breaking point similarly beyond certain point it gets harmful and damage health, productivity, mood, social, personal quality of life and that is the time when you need to seek help to reduce the adverse effects.

      But if you already stressed and your body is in fight or flight mood, it’s easier to trigger it. So, it is very important to know and take a step back avoid the stressful situations. But again, sometimes these stressful conditions help you polish your abilities and that’s why its is important to understand the difference between good and bad. And the difference between these two is very well explained by Kelly in this short video.

  Which helps you to make your stress your power and help you to achieve your


        Effects of stress on our body


   When any one stress out or get anxious the first happen is the increase in blood pressure, heart rate. And anxious people complain about high blood pressure. While in some it has great effect on stomach due to which they feel nausea and vomiting, and the gain and loss of appetite. It also effects on nervous system which makes our body to go it fight mode and that’s why the muscle in the back, neck and other body part get stiff, which then cause joint and muscle ache. Because it’s effect on the immune system our body gets weaker and that’s why people under stress are prompted to get more diseases as compared to others.

      Life can be stressful but it’s time to get rid of these stressors by making simple changes in our busy schedule and make our lives better for us and for our beloved ones. And it will easier after knowing about the good and the bad stressors. Sometimes life get difficult, and this is the time when you need to seek help either by using gadgets, or by getting help from the professionals. As, it better to get the solution rather than waiting for the balloon to pop.

    Treating stress    

       When it’s important to get out of stressful condition one must use stress management techniques as it is very important to maintain healthy living style and these techniques includes yoga, meditation, go for a walk, meet people as all these factors reduces stress. It is difficult to take some time out for all these in this busy life, but it is important to take some time out for your self as “you deserve it”.

     If you still feel stressful then it is time to use gadgets to tract your sleep, pulse rate, blood pressure, sugar level and the calories intake. So, before your health get affected you need to prevent your body from going in fight mood. But if still you feel bad and get any thought that everything is useless, meaning less then now it’s time to seek help from medical professional



Faiza Shafqat takes the full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Faiza and not that of California state university, Sacramento