Mental Health

The human being and universal energy

Mental health starts with an attachment. Depression is not detachment from the world or relationships with people, but it is an attachment to your thoughts. The way you look at the world or response to an event a is what is causing depression.

You say you’re ‘depressed’ – all I see is resilience. You are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn’t mean you’re defective – it just means you’re human.” -David Mitchell

What you can do right now to better your mental health:

·      The body and mind work together like the Yin and the Yang. The goal is to keep a balance and not let one take over the other. Exercise is one way to combat depression and overthinking as your mind is occupied and cannot think too rapidly while exercising.

·      Giving yourself some time to meditate throughout the day is a good way of combatting depression, reduce overthinking, and reduce anxiety.

·      Keep positive vibes around. This doesn’t just mean people, but it could be the media you consume on a daily basis.

·      Get creative and do things that made you happy when you were a kid, like drawing and coloring. Learn an instrument or pick up a new hobby that allows yourself to be creative. It may be hard to make art while depressed but even Picasso went through the Blues Period. Some artists make the best art when they are feeling down – so use that as an excuse to get creative.

·      Think about impact you can have on others if you get yourself out of your depressive state. Sometimes the world’s problems can become a big motivation to have a call for change and can also help you combat depression

The Oaks Outpatient Centers | Harbor Oaks

Harbor Oaks Outpatient - Behavioral Health Center

Sacramento, CA

(916) 480-5101

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
