A picture containing tree, outdoor, plant, willow

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                                                          Stressed? Take 20 Minutes a Day to Change That.


Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and implementation of lockdowns, physical activity has significantly decreased in young adults. According to a study done in May-June of 2020, undergraduate students experienced a 34% decrease in physical activity compared to pre-COVID.  Students who were most active before the pandemic showed the greatest decrease in activity after lockdown.





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Daily sitting has increased, which can lead to

o   risks for many cardio-metabolic disorders, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

o   higher stress levels, mental risks and decreased quality of life.


                                                                                               For only  20 minutes a day, you can change that.


               Studies show that taking 20 minutes per day to be in nature or outdoors can lower stress hormone levels and boost your mood.


                                                                                                      Some easy ideas to get outside:


                      A picture containing tree, grass, outdoor, plant

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o   Go on a hike

o   Take a walk on a local trail

o  Do a workout in a local park or in your backyard instead of inside your house

o  Plant a vegetable garden

o   Go on a picnic with a friend

o       Go for a bike ride


A picture containing grass, ground, outdoor, path

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                                         click here  to find a local hike or trail near you and get moving!


                                                                       A group of people walking on a path near a bridge

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Ilona Krasnodemsky takes  full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Ilona Krasnodemsky and not that of California State University, Sacramento.