Intentional wildfires can be easily started through:



-Unattended Campfires


To prevent them from happening you can:

-Always pay close attention to the campfire you have started


-Avoid smoking in heavily vegetated areas


- Keep plants in check because dry plants/grass could easily cause a wildfire, especially with environmental factors


- Avoid camping (that requires starting a campfire) when it is windy


-Pay close attention to your surroundings, and address the issue if need be

Animals could be affected by wildfires:


-It could be true that some animals need these fires to thrive, but most animals are harmed by it; as well as our environment


-Most animals such as the koala, require intensive care after being rescued, because they are not capable of escaping these fires on their own


-They are affected in a way where they lose their home, and are stripped away from their families


-Some species negatively impacted by wildfires can be found through: HERE


-People can bring these injured animals to a rehabilitation center to treat them but that would not guarantee the restoration of their homes

Amount of Wildfires & Causes in 2018 (more information HERE):


Natural Causes








Please make the correct decisions and not purposely commit arson; we need to protect the lives of others as well as our own! These creatures are defenseless to choices individuals make, so it is important that we are educated as well as provide the knowledge we have for others. Be wary of the fires you start, and be cautious, as we can see most wildfires are caused unintentionally.


To learn more about koalas, and how they are affected by wildfires, please click the image of the koala (ctrl+click), and it will direct you to another page with more information:



Iris Liang takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Iris Liang and not that of California State University, Sacramento