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Helping with the Current Climate Crisis in Texas  

Texas Early Learning Council Home



1)   By the end of 2021, make it part of the curriculum for Senior Year of High School to learn about Climate Change and how they can help with the Climate Crisis as an individual. 

2)   Follow California’s example and stop producing gas powered vehicles by the year 2025 

3)   Stop federal funding from going to oil and gas producers and re-align the funds to energy conservation companies by 2025 




 New financial index aims to ease fossil fuel divestment | 89.3 KPCC

Global Warming Solutions|Environment Texas



Fight Texas Climate Change



Important Facts

-      Texas recently had a major climate crisis when it snowed and almost all major cities lost power for weeks

-      People were left in the freezing cold, without warm water for even a shower  

-      All of Texas is ran on a mostly fossil fuel energy grid

-      That energy grid froze over and power was not able to be used  

-      57 Texans died as a result



Ways to Improve:

-      By slowly switching the energy grid to a more renewable energy grid, energy can be stored and used in a time of need like this

-      Teaching people about how clean energy can create a more sustainable future and higher paying jobs will help promote the need to switch to a more sustainable energy grid

-      Even when a huge climate fluctuation happens in the future that Texas isn’t prepared for, they will be able to use stored energy to keep people’s power on and keep them alive.

-      This change will benefit not only the climate, but the air for our kids, and it will promote energy independence



Jack McBride takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Jack McBride and not that of California State University, Sacramento.