The information presented here is the full responsibility of the poster and not that of California State University, Sacramento.


Why Should You Be Worried?

What Can You Do?

·         There are currently only 5 Factories in the U.S. that make Medical Grade Masks for the general population

·         Access to medical grade masks is limited to civilians due to shortages

·         Nothing is currently getting done to quickly address these shortages

·         Help Support Positive Legislation

o   Call your local congressperson to support tax subsidies for mask producers

·         Spread the Word

o   Informing others is key to reaching our goal


Our Goal is to pass a bill through Congress that will give Mask producing industries a 25% tax subsidy that will eventually increase mask production by 25% within the next 2 Months


Text Box: It is imperative that these shortages are solved. Masks are essential to stopping the spread of COVID-19. Here is how you can help.

Mask Substitutes?


COVID-19 Information


When it comes to substitutes it is important that they are clean and can successfully do its main purpose which is to cover your face while still allowing you to breathe through it.

The CDC has done a great job of showing how to effectively make your own masks using common house supplies such as bandanna or even a used T-Shirt.

Here are some links to useful tutorials

·         CDC Cloth Covering Tutorial

·         CDC “How to Make Your Own Face Covering”


Please Stay Safe! We Can Do This Together!



Current Known Symptoms:

·         Fever

·         Cough

·         Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

·         Chills

·         Repeated shaking with chills

·         Muscle pain

·         Headache

·         Sore throat

·         New loss of taste or smell


Statistics (4/29/2020)

·         United States

o   1.06 Million Cases

o   123,000 Recovered

o   61,472 Deaths

·         Worldwide

o   3.16 Million Cases

o   972,000 Recovered

o   227,000 Deaths


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