How to Eliminate Single Use Plastics

12 Facts About Plastic Pollution You Need to Know - Giving Compass

By Jordan Poderick

August 9th, 2022



Top Solutions

1.  Avoid plastic straws:

2.  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

3.  Don’t buy plastic water bottles:

4.  Plan a community clean up

5.  Buy in bulk

6.  Pack food in reusable containers

7.  Prevent the use of microbeads

8.  Never litter

9.  Cook more at home

   10. Buy items secondhand


How to Plan a Community Clean up

Organizing a neighborhood cleanup is a great way to give back to your community whole also making your neighborhood a better place to live. One of the first steps is to make a detailed event plan. The plan should include a date, meeting location, number of volunteers needed, list of supplies needed, schedule Gypsum Community Cleanup | Calendar | Town of Gypsum, COof events, and post-event steps. One of the most important steps is recruiting volunteers. There are multiple methods in reaching people such as telling neighbors and friends, and promoting on social media. You also want to set a goal of exactly what you are cleaning up and how much you want to collect to complete the day. Before it all can be collected you need to have a way to get rid of the debris such as taking care of it yourself or scheduling a pickup for trash and recycling. Lastly, reward your volunteers! A post-cleanup party such as providing snacks or simply handwritten thank you notes will show how important they are and will encourage them to want to help again in the future.


Where to Advertise for Volunteers:






10 Shocking Facts About Plastics in Our Oceans | Passport OceanWhy You Need to Cut Back


-      Plastic Pollution has increased double since the beginning of 2019

-      80% of debris in the environment is caused by plastic

-      Every baby sea turtle is now born with plastic already inside them

-      It takes 500-1000 years for plastic to biodegrade

-      At the current rates plastic is expected to outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050



Plastic pollution: Green light for 'historic' treaty - BBC News

Below includes additional articles for information about plastics and how the solutions can help reduce plastic pollution:

7 Solutions To Ocean Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution

Facts About Plastic Pollution














































































The information on this page represents that of Jordan Poderick  and not that of California State University, Sacramento