How to Eliminate Single Use Plastics
By Jordan Poderick
August 9th, 2022
Top Solutions 1.
Avoid plastic straws:
Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle 3.
Don’t buy plastic
water bottles: 4.
Plan a community
clean up 5.
Buy in bulk 6.
Pack food in reusable
containers 7.
Prevent the use of
microbeads 8.
Never litter 9.
Cook more at home 10. Buy items secondhand How to Plan a Community Clean up Organizing a neighborhood cleanup is a great way to give back to
your community whole also making your neighborhood a better place to live.
One of the first steps is to make a detailed event plan. The plan should
include a date, meeting location, number of volunteers needed, list of
supplies needed, schedule Where to Advertise for Volunteers: |
Plastic Pollution
has increased double since the beginning of 2019 -
80% of debris in
the environment is caused by plastic -
Every baby sea
turtle is now born with plastic already inside them -
It takes 500-1000
years for plastic to biodegrade -
At the current
rates plastic is expected to outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050
7 Solutions To
Ocean Plastic Pollution |
The information on this page represents that of Jordan Poderick and not that of California State University, Sacramento