How can we make education accessible?

·             We can start to close the learning gap between high-income students and low-income students by allocating resources to areas in need.

-        “Research suggest increased spending on education can improve student outcomes especially among low-income students.” ( School Funding: Do Poor Kids Get Their Fair Share?)

·       After allocating funds, we need to ensure that they are used to improve the quality of students’ educations.

-        “Advocates should be focused on the quality of educational opportunities as the driving goal of an equitable education financing system.” (A Quality Approach to School Funding)


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Accessible Education is Essential for Students


@anya1anya's education revolution: affordability, access, … | Flickr


Photo Credit: Giulia Forsythe


Want to learn more?

·      Here are some informative videos:

-       Schools and Social Inequality

-       How America's Public Schools Keep Kids in Poverty

-       Accessible Education for Sustainable Communities


Want to be a part of the change?

·       Here are some nonprofit organizations you can donate to:

-              JumpStart

-              The New Teacher Project (TNTP)

-              The Education Trust

-              iMentor

-              Equal Opportunity Schools (EOS)


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Disclaimer: Karina Garza Plasencia takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Karina Garza Plasencia and not that of California State University, Sacramento.