How to prevent from getting the Coronavirus


A close up of a map

Description automatically generatedPROBLEM: Since the beginning of 2020, our world has changed. The introduction of the Covid-19 Pandemic has shifted everyone’s daily life. Jobs were slowing and shutting down, events were cancelled, and people were on lockdown. Our lives have changed forever; from families not seeing one another, to the families that lost their loved ones due to deadly infectious coronavirus. News on TVs delivers recent information about the deadly virus every day to the public.

However, the Internet is the ideal medium for people who want to have a deeper understanding about this virus and how they can prevent themselves and their family from contracting the  virus. Researches from the internet are easy to search, save, and printouts to remind the public about the destructive virus. 
*Picture of case is as of July 28, 2020

Testing for Covid


Solution Ideas


1.     Practice Social Distancing

2.     Wash your hands often

3.     Avoid Close Contact/ Large Crowds

4.     Wear a face mask when around others and in public     Cover coughs and sneezes

6.     Wear gloves

7.     Disinfect regularly with solutions that are able to kill Bacteria and Viruses

8.     Monitor your health daily if you travel outside your home

9.     Keep Sanitizers in close to person

10.  Control cross contamination

Specific - To be specific is to have an exact answer/solution. We should have a specific solution.
If the public wears at least a cloth face mask and keeps social distance every time they leave home, in less than a year, the spread of Covid-19 will drop because the mask acts like a barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from being exposed into the air, covering coughs and sneezes. The virus will have a difficult travel from one person to the next. 

Measurable - To measure is to be able to use time.
Yes, this is measurable because we will be able to see the number of testers of Covid-19 and see how many are infected before and after the government requires the public to wear a mask everywhere they go. We can take the cases number in the present and another one later at the end of the year to measure the increase/decrease in positive cases.

Attainable - To have the solution/objective be realistic and be able to achieve.
This is attainable because if everyone will do their part in wearing a mask and having social distancing, germs will fail to travel from one person to the next



Disclaimer: Kim Nguyen takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Kim Nguyen and not that of California State University, Sacramento