Solar structures

Sunny Side Up







The planetÕs average surface temperature has risen about 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit since the late 19th century.


Temperatures are reaching record highs and record lows in the United States since 1950.


The rate of Antarctica ice mass loss has tripled in the last decade.




WhatÕs the solution?


Our company installs ÒSolar StructuresÓ above parking lots in major shopping areas. Not only will these structures provide access to cheap, renewable energy, they will also provide shade to the vehicles underneath!


Many car manufacturers have begun production of electric vehicles and these cars need a place to charge. Our Solar Structures are designed to utilize the free energy floating in the atmosphere and funnel them into energy storage which can be used to charge these vehicles.

Together we can Reduce carbon dioxide level (parts per million) by 10% within the next 10 years.




Give us a call at (916)-123-1234 or email us at gosolar@sunnysideup.com for more info!


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