Student Debt Will No Longer Crush the Younger Generations: Without the weight of student loan debt, more college graduates will be able to afford other expenses and investments. In essence, they could contribute more to the economy.

More People Would Go to College: By negating the large bill of a college education, we could see an increase in the number of people who attend college. 

More Lower-Income Students Might Reach Graduation:  If there is no tuition, the rate of students who drop out of college because of the inability to pay for college all four years will drop significantly. 

Students Might Have More Freedom to Choose a Major They Enjoy: Offering free tuition will enable students to choose majors that they have an interest in instead of opting for “practical” majors that are associated with lucrative jobs. This can help students to stick with the major and avoid burning out in the future.


·         Offer more education grants, aids and scholarships in private colleges and universities.  

·         Limit the tuition that could be charged by private for-profit colleges and universities.   

·         Encourage savings for college among high school students.  

·         Offer more federal and state work-study jobs to high school students and college students.

·         Eliminate federal government’s profiting on student loans.  

·         Allow students to refinance loans at lower interest rates.  

·         Allow students to use financial aid to cover room, board, books and living expenses.  

·         Increase the payment period for student loans. 

·          Offer incentives for businesses and other employers to provide student-loan repayment benefits and tuition assistance.