No More High Screen Time for Your Kids


Screen time is the total amount of time spent watching technological devices. It has been increasingly common for children to have higher than recommended screen times which can bring many negative consequences.

According to the Mayo Clinic, children younger than the age of two should have no technological use while older children should have around 1-2 hours a day, not including homework. However, studies show that between the ages of 8-18 have a screen time of 7.5 hours a day, and kids 2-4 years old have a screen time of 2.5 hours a day.

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Having such high screen times is alarming as they lead to many negative consequences including:

·      Obesity

·      Irregular sleep

·      Behavioral problems

·      Impaired academic performance

·      Delays in language and social skills development

·      And more….



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Now although it can seem overwhelming there are many ways in which these high screen time numbers can be lowered. Whenever possible implement alternative activities from a young age so that there is no need for a tough transition.


Alternative activities include:

·      Spending more time outside

·      Discover hobbies

·      Arts and crafts

·      Implement active screen time to start with

o  Watching yoga videos

o  Choose video games that promote physical activity


Below are some informative links to deepen your research and get ideas on non-screen time activities!


Children and screen time: How much is too much?


Screen Time vs Lean Time Infographics


Screen time and children: How to guide your child


50 things to do instead of screen time

Montzerrat Qauomi takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Montzerrat Qauomi and not that of California State University, Sacramento.