Immigration Provides a New Life Opportunity

A group of people posing for the camera

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Immigration has become more and more difficult not just in the United States but all around the world. The main reason the people move to either another country to another state or another continent is usually to find better opportunities to improve their lives to give their children food and better life chances. Some people emigrate to other countries that means that they leave their own country. There are also refugees; the main reason our refugees move is that their own government has strong systematic and political issues and many times violent issues.


My Story:

I came to the U.S. when I was 16 years old. I was extremely lucky to come with a visitor visa. Other members of my family were not that lucky when they decided to immigrate. Deciding to leave the know and move to a country or a different place where not even the language is known is an act of courage.

All an immigrant wants is an opportunity to survive.


A story of a refugee experience.


This American Life:

Getting Out;

We hear a phone call from this week between Kirk Johnson in California, and Ajmal, a man standing in a canal outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. (2 minutes)




Click here to learn about Human Migration.





Support Your Local Donation Drive:

Natomas donation drive collects essential items to send to Afghan refugees.

Sacramento Food Bank




Children are often the ones that are most affected. They suffer in their country with scarcity or are afraid of the trouble they face. They then embark on a scary and challenging journey, many times dying during the journey, the ones that make it might be rejected at the border of the country they are trying to reach. If they are not denied, they might face separation from their loved ones.










Norma Sanchez takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Norma Sanchez and not that of California State University, Sacramento.