A picture containing turtle, reptile, water, bird

Description automatically generatedOcean Pollution Statistics


·       100 million marine animals die each year from plastic alone.

·       300 million tons of plastic is created yearly, 50% of which is single-use plastic.

·       Plastics take 50 0-1000 years to degrade.

·       There are 5 floating plastic islands in the ocean.





A crowded beach

Description automatically generatedHow You Can Help


·       Educate yourself on proper recycling procedures and do your part to reduce and reuse when applicable.

·       Do a beach cleanup at a local beach.

·       Buy from ethical companies.

·       Consider donating to one of the charities listed in the light blue section.







A close up of a logo

Description automatically generatedRecycling Basics


·       Try to reduce or reuse first.

·       Recycled materials need to be free of oil or other food debris, if unable to be cleaned, toss in the garbage.

·       Check your county website for specifics on which plastics can be recycled.

·       If you don’t know whether it’s recyclable, just throw it out to reduce risk of contamination.




Resources for Further Reading


v “Ocean Pollution”

v “Ocean Pollution: The Dirty Facts”

v “How Do I Recycle? Common Recyclables”

v “Tips to Recycle Right”

v “Socially Responsible Companies”

v “100+ Ocean Pollution Statistics




Ø  Ocean Conservancy

Ø  Surfrider Foundation

Ø  Oceana

Ø  Green Peace


The information presented here is the full responsibility of the poster and not that of California State University, Sacramento.