
MIS Group


Rahul Sundar, Jamal Shah, Elizabeth Booty

Sabrina Habibeh, Mustafa Abdalla, Manrose Atwal

Raising Cane's

Summary of Our Database

Our team has worked diligently to put together a database based on the incredible fast food chain: Raising Cane’s. This popular place prioritizes the use of high-quality ingredients and guarantees fresh food. With close inspection and a hard-working team, our members were able to assemble a database including objectives such as the restaurant's list of employees, along with item inventory identification, and individual employee payroll. The following will display a layout of how our database will be arranged. Tables will include: List of Employees, List of Suppliers, List of Inventory, and List of Payroll. Queries will consist of: Food/Drink/Condiment Supplies, Miscellaneous Supplies, Employee Hours This Week, Full Time Employee Pay Rate, and Part Time Employee Pay Rate. Forms will cover: Employee Identification, Item Inventory Identification, Individual Payroll, and Suppliers Identification. Lastly our reports will be: Customer Feedback, Ratings, Order Wait Time Drive Thru, and Order Wait Time In-Store.


Employee Hours This Week
Food Supplies By Quantity
Payrate Per Employee
Suppliers Per Store

Database Source Files

MIS 101 Database Project