The Importance of a higher Minimum wage


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It is critical that federal and state policy makers work to increase to a higher amount to reduce poverty help build economic security and benefit workers and have people live a healthier life style while not having to worry about income. The cost of living in the US is way to high compared to to what the average person is making monthly/annualy. We need to lower the amount of how we get taxed so we get to keep more of our money.


Who Will benefit from this?



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1.    Everyone.

 everyone deserves a fair living wage with inflation at an all-time, we are losing money as we speak since inflation makes us lose the value of the dollar right now would be a perfect time for all of us to get raises/increase to every ones salary.


Learn more how inflation is killing our dollar here




2. Decrease in homelessness

 As we know the US has a huge Homelessness issue across its 50 states and with an increase in a higher wage this should decrease the issue by a lot. A good majority of why so many people are struggling with homelessness is because of how expensive it is to live in certain areas in the US.

Chart, waterfall chart

Description automatically generated To learn more about who is affected and why, click here



3. increase in investments and new job openings. A picture containing icon

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With a higher increase the motivation to create new jobs while wanting to invest will create new jobs, meaning people will be working and spending more money = more revenue.





To learn more why we should increase the minimum wage


Click here







Robert Milian takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Robert Milian and not of California State University Sacramento.