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Pandemic Pods Will Make the Inequality in American Schools Even Worse




The racist effects of school reopening during the pandemic — by a teacher

The Washington Post






Online learning is leaving our kids behind

More must be done to provide our children with the support they need

Covid has thrust millions of children into the unfamiliar world of online learning. The American school system was not prepared and is not responding fast enough. Complicated technology and lack of access to the internet will leave many children from less financially stable families in jeopardy of falling behind. We must speak up and inform our local schools that the money that would be used for physical classes needs to be moved to fill the gaping difference in technology access.



Spread the Message!


Links to share


How covid-19 has laid bare the vast inequities in U.S. public education

The Washington Post



How Will the Coronavirus Crisis Affect Children’s Learning? Unequally

Education Next




Low Internet Access Driving Inequality

International Monetary Fund - IMF Blog




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Nothing will change if we stay silent…





The information presented here is the full responsibility of the poster and not that of California State University, Sacramento.