Recognizing Mental Health

About Us

What is Poor Mental Health?

Share Your Story

·       One in five Americans has experienced some form of mental illness


·       Suicide accounts for over 800,000 deaths globally a year


·       NPR has a mental health station for podcasts


·       When commenting or submitting a video of your story, you may choose to keep it fully anonymous or submit your name


As a student at CSU Sacramento, I have endured the ups and downs of poor mental health. How often have you felt stressed off of everyday life?  I wanted to create this website for everyone to understand that they can express themselves too. In order to fight off poor mental health, we need to acknowledge that we are suffering from it. Knowing where the problem comes from is just the first step.


Terance Dass takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Terance Dass and not that of California State University, Sacramento.