The Impact of Obesity
on Adolescents
Obesity is associated with the leading causes
of death and it is a public health threat to people around the world,
especially in the United States. Many causes leading to the obesity prevalence
among children and adolescents, which include our living environment, the
consumption of highly processed food, and lack of physical exercise.
What can we do?
1. Develop
healthy eating habits. Provide
meals with nutrition and eat more veggies. Cut down consumption of fatty,
sugar, and highly processed food.
4.Choose a healthy diet plan with the consultation of
health care providers. Let your child eat a smaller portion, reducing, fats,
snacks, sweets in their diet.
2.Children need to do daily physical exercise and less
screen time.
5.Talk to the doctor about your children’s health
condition. Check up to see if the BMI is appropriate for your children’s age.
6. Teach your child a healthy lifestyle. A child that sees
their parents eat more fruit, vegetable, drink more water, get an adequate
sleep, more active, and limit screen time, would be doing the same thing.
The information on this page represents of Thao Nguyen and not that of California State University, Sacramento.