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Hospitals are facing a shortage of supplies due to COVID-19




Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many hospitals in the US are facing shortages of equipment and supplies. In between treating patients, healthcare professionals must constantly change and dispose of medical equipment, especially with the high contagion rate of COVID-19. This is creating a large amount of medical waste and a decrease in supplies. With this decrease in supplies, it makes it difficult for medical professionals to help those in need.

Click the picture to learn more about increase in Medical Waste!

Click the picture to learn more about the shortage!

S.M.A.R.T. Objectives

Decrease by 30% of COVID-19

positive cases in the United

States by July 2020


Decrease medical waste

in the United States by

50% by December 2020


Raise 50% more in monetary

donations for healthcare

supplies by July 2020



1.      Donate extra medical protection equipment you may have at home, such as gloves, masks and goggles – Check with your local hospitals to see what types of equipment they are accepting as donations

2.      Donate money – Check out websites such as Get Us PPE to give monetary donations to fund equipment for hospitals

3.      Donate cleaning supplies – Check with local healthcare locations and donate items such as hand sanitizer and soap

4.      Start a supply drive – Start a supply drive in your community to encourage others to share their extra materials for you to donate to local hospitals

5.      Stay home – Help flatten the curve and stay home to avoid spreading or receiving any illnesses

6.      If unable to stay home, practice social distancing – Only go outside when necessary and try to remain 6 feet away from others at all times to decrease chance of contamination

7.      Refrain from going to the doctors unless absolutely necessary – By staying home and not  going to the doctors if not necessary, these healthcare workers will not have to use any supplies on you and can save those supplies to help someone in need

8.      Look up tutorials to make homemade masks – Most locations  do not accept homemade masks as donations, however making a mask at home for yourself and family members can help decrease the demand for masks, allowing for hospitals to purchase masks

9.      Donate blood or plasma – with an increasing number of sick people, blood and plasma donations are critical to keep a stable supply to help those in need

10.  Encourage local companies to sell their masks and glove supplies directly to hospitals and healthcare workers

The information presented here is the full responsibility of Tiffany Poedyasmara and not that of California State University, Sacramento.