A person sitting at a desk in front of a curtain

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Are You Currently a Stress College Student?


·      87% of students have experienced stress during their college years today

·      45% of college students claim to go through “more than average stress”

·      63% of American college students report health-related issues as the main stressor

·      Only 11% of students in the U.S. sleep well

·      Stress is the leading factor to influence a student’s academic performance in the United States (see Figure 1 below)

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(Figure 1)

What Can You Do To Reduce Stress?

1.     Exercise Regularly:

-       Spend at least 30 minutes once a week to the gym, doing yoga, jogging, or walking around the neighborhood


2.     Mediation:

-       Meditate for at least 30 minutes in a quiet room to ignore the negative thoughts and avoid having headaches


3.     Manage Time Effectively:

-       Schedule your weekly tasks at the end of each week in a planner to see which tasks to prioritize first


4.     Get Enough Sleep:

-       Go to bed at 11 PM and wake up at 8 AM during the school semester for better focus in school


5.     Maintain a Regular Diet:

-       Never skip breakfast and include a fruit if it is possible

-       Spend an hour or so for lunch break in between your work

-       Dinner – helps you sleep better at night and acquire all the required nutrients


6.     Talk To Someone:

-       Send a text or have a phone call with your family or friends

-       Have a night out with friends


7.     Clean Your Workspace Frequently:

-       Having a clean desk will increases productivity and not feeling overwhelmed


8.     Have One Day Off  To Enjoy Yourself:

-       Turn off your electronic devices and other distractions to have a spa night for yourself!


9.     Find a Hobby Or Interest:

-       Catch up on your favorite movie, listen to your favorite tune to put you in a happier mood


10.  Think Positive:

-       A positive mind generates happy thoughts

Why is it Important to Reduce Stress?

·      Sleep better

·      Increases productivity

·      Avoid health-related problems

·      Better focus in school

·      Improves memory and brain functions

·      Boost self-esteem

If you are seeking for immediate help, please contact the following hotline numbers for free counseling:


·      National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)


·      National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)


Tuyen Nguyen takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Tuyen Nguyen and not that of California State University, Sacramento.