Volume 1 | Issue 1


How to Keep Your Kids Safe Online



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The internet can be amazing for a lot of things, yet it can also be the darkest detrimental loophole, especially when it’s put in the              hands of a child. The dark side of the internet leads kids to many negative experiences such as media violence, cyberbullying, unhealthy body expectations, and pornography


                Tips and Tricks



1.    Turn on Google SafeSearch on kids’ computers. Turn on Google SafeSearch on kids’ computers.

2.    IOS users can watch their kids screen Time on iPhones and iPads through their settings app.

3.    Ask your internet service provider (ISP) to block any sites or contact you when the site is opened.

4.    Install parental controls on their screens.

5.    Go the hardware route and block any non-kid-friendly websites or apps.

6.    Set a time limit for how long they can be on websites that have a higher chance of mindless searching/ clicking on random videos like Tiktok or Youtube.

7.    Check who your kids follow on social media outlets.

8.    Make sure your kids have private accounts where no one but their friends can see their posts/info.

9.    Check kids’ history constantly.

10.Have more open conversations with your kids.


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·       Victoria Gutierrez takes full responsibility for the information posted. The information on this page represents that of Victoria Gutierrez and not that of California State University, Sacramento.