Letters and Pictures from Kids
to Clayton Bess
I have such a lot of wonderful letters and beautiful pictures that kids have sent me
after I have visited their classes that it is hard for me to choose which ones to put on this website. Maybe
I will rotate pictures and letters in and out as the weeks and months go by.
For other great letters and pictures
to Clayton Bess
go to
Letters and Pictures by Palm Springs Third Graders about "Suddenly the Cat"
Letters and Pictures by San Pablo Third Graders about "Suddenly the Cat".
Dear Clayton Bess,
Your book
Story for a Black Night is the best book I have ever read to a class. It is a beautiful story and my students (24 fifth graders) are filled with questions about the background to the story. I hope you will find time to respond to our letters.
Yours truly, Mrs. Thompson, Bedford, Virginia
Dear Clayton Bess, I just loved the book
Story for a Black Night. It was wonderful! It was just like I could shut
my eyes and could see it as it was being told. It was just perfect. You gave it wonderful expressions. It was also
very touching. all I can say for it, is it was the best! If you write another book, I'm sure I'll read it.
Your friend, Angela K.
Dear Clayton Bes, I don't believe I have heard a better story than a
Story for a Black Night. It was great,
fantastic. Some parts were sad, some happy, and some funny. The part I thought was really sickening was when the boy was describing his mother when she
had the small pocks, about when she opened her mouth and the scabs were running. Now that was sickening.
I have questions to ask you. Was the story real or just did you make it up? Well, I want to thank you for writing it.
Your friend, Thomas B.
P.S. Write more like that and I'll read more.

Hi! I liked the stories you read. The one about the lady and that disease she had was really interesting.
We especially liked the one about Suddenly the cat. I liked the part when she would lick her shoulder.
I like all the action that you put
into it when you read. A lot of people don't read like you do. Bye for now, Barry

Dear Mr. Locke,
I would like to thank you for comeing in here and read Tracks to use. I like the part where Blue went to the
bath room in his pants. I hope you come back and read On a black night. I like Tracks because its funny and
its a western story. Please come back.
Sincerely, Teresa T.
Dear Mr. Locke,
Thank you for coming to our school and sharing your stories with us. I enjoyed you presentation. It was very fun.
My favorite story was "Sunly the cat". I'm sorry that story didn't get published yet. It was a very nice story.
You have a way of telling stories. You bring such feeling and gesture and it made it a lot more fun to listen to.
I hope to see you again someday.
Sincerely signed,
Alma W.
Dear Editor,
A few weeks ago Clayton Bess came to our school on Author's Day and he read a few books to us like
A Story for a Black Night but there was this one story called
Suddenly The Cat. There was
something about this story that the other books did not have like not being published and it was excellent.
There is a reason I want this story to be published. It is so I can have my own copy and my friends can too and the
only way we can have that story is if it is published because it is a great book like the part when Suddenly put a
gopher in the kid's mother's cereal bowl.
Sincerely, Adam C.

Dear Editor,
We recently had the pleasure of hearing one of Mr. Bess's unpublished stories called
Suddenly the Cat.
How this happend was he came to our school and read it to us.
Now I would like to say a couple things about this story for one after I heard it I laughed all day. And my favorite part
of it was the whole story. And those are only a couple reasons why I think this story should be published.
Sincerely, Shaun H.
Dear Mr. Robert Locke,
Thank you for coming and telling us about what you wrote. I liked what you said about the moon.
I think I just might be a Author when I grow up or I might be an Artist. Because I like teddy bears a lot that's why.
Bye, Michele L.

Dear mr locke I like your books a lot and the way you emphasizes them when you read them.
To read a book is to live a second life.
Michelle V.
Contact: Clayton Bess
Copyright © 2008 Robert Locke
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