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Final Projects

Students enrolled in Math 150 can earn extra credit (up to 4 points) if they complete an additional assignment in the form of a project and a short presentation at the end of the semester.

  • In addition to your short presentation, you must prepare a written report. The minimum length of the report is two pages, including references.
  • To receive full credit for your report the following criteria must be met:
    1- The report must be on-topic.
    2- Please make sure you fully understand every single sentence you put in your report. Of course, your final report can be introductory/elementary. That is absolutely OK! However, there should not be anything in your report that you do not understand.
    3- Your report should be comprehensible for a Math 150 student.
    • A two page report where every sentence is clear and correct is far better than a fifty page report filled with ambiguous statements.
    • A fifty page report where everything is carefully and rigorously explained is possibly far better than a two page report where every sentence is clear and correct. Of course, both will earn 4 points (as extra credit) in this course.