I am broadly interested in the applications of
mathematical analysis, differential geometry, and numerical analysis
in the study of differential equations and optimization problems that appear in physics and engineering.
Skills that are useful for undergraduates who want to do an independent study project with me:
- 1- Linear Algebra (Math 100)
- 2- Multivariable Calculus (Math 32, Math 105A)
- 3- Differential Equations (Math 45, Math 105B)
- 4- Differential Geometry
- 5- Mathematical Analysis (Math 130A, Math 130B)
- Discrete Fourier Transform
- Geometric Integrators
- The ODE Solvers in MATLAB
- Stability of Numerical Methods for ODEs
- Numerical Simulation of Stochastic Differential Equations
- Operator Splitting
- Krylov Subspace Methods
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Principal Component Analysis
- Algebraic Multigrid Methods
- Meshfree Methods
- Shape Differential Calculus
- Discrete Differential Geometry
- Stefan Problem
- What is a wavelet?
- What is a stiff differential equation?
- Distribution Theory
- Spectral Methods
- Mathematical Models of Cellular Membranes
- Mathematical Foundations of Elasticity
- Geometric Mechanics
- Finite Element Exterior Calculus
- Markov State Models
- Global Existence in Reaction-Diffusion Systems
- Symmetry and Gauge Freedom
- Positive Scalar Curvature and Applications
- The Yamabe Problem
- The Initial Value Problem in General Relativity
- Stochastic Simulations of Reaction-Diffusion Processes
- Monte Carlo Integration