
Welcome! This site is the conclusion but not the end of my iMET 12 cohort journey.  It serves more of a summary and insight in my experiences obtaining a Masters Degree in Educational Technology at CSU, Sacramento.
This site is organized in a way that shows my ePortofolio of all the work I have done in the course of the program, in the form of my own or group projects. Each project helped me gain a stronger knowledge base in the realm of Educational Technology.  I not only became proficient in using technology as a tool in education but learned how to search, and find solutions in technology to better serve education. I also learned how to become a voice of leadership and a resource for other educators.


The process section is about reflection on my journey getting to and through graduate school. My professional background is in the form of a resume. It is my desire to utilize my professional and personal experiences to employ the knowledge I have learned in the iMET program. As well as some little bit inside about myself on my educational experience, philosophy and what makes me Viva la Mela.


The product section is a demonstration of selected projects and artifacts completed by myself or with a group. It contains descriptions and feedback with reflections on the content and methodology of this program.


The showcase section is the final culminating experience through iMET brings my goals into execution. It contains a matrix of possible educational technology or assistive technology options that can be used with d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. The matrix is supported by a checklist and resource guide for educators and service providers to think beyond box. With research and review of literature to verifies that there is a need for technology as a useful tool in the education of d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing students.
