Cloud Object Storage

2 minute read

  • Describe data locality as the key to speed when processing big data
  • Perform experiments to estimate time required to download data
  • Download objects from Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3)


  1. REU summer program - see Martin’s post on Discord
  2. Save your key as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

123 GO: How would you spend $100 discretionary cash right now?


Data processing cannot go faster than the slowest step.


Computer network and data transfer performance is commonly measured with two metrics:

  • bandwidth measures how many units of data are transferred per second.
  • latency is the time between when the client requests the data, and when the client receives the data from the server.

The same ideas apply to accessing data on disk, in memory, and in cache. According to Matthew Rocklin in 2015, a physical hard drive can read data at 10-500 MB/sec.

One premise of this class is that the data is so large that it may be difficult to move. Indeed, for some applications of data movement it might be more efficient to physically mail some hard drives than to send it over the network.

Minimize data movement so your program will be fast.

Our architecture consists of three locations:

  • many TB of data stored in S3
  • 8 GB of local Solid State Drive (SSD) storage in an EC2 instance
  • local client

Programs are small relative to data; you can do a lot in 100 lines of code. Bring the program to the data, not the data to the program.

AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an example of an object store.

We have a bucket stat196k-data-examples. The bucket contains objects including 20190204.csv, a CSV file. By default, buckets and objects will be private, but I’ve made them public so we can work with them easily.

Amazon S3 (delivers) 99.999999999% durability. Data is automatically distributed across a minimum of three physical facilities that are geographically separated by at least 10 kilometers within an AWS Region


Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) identify objects on the web.

  • web page example
  • s3 protocol s3://stat196k-data-examples/20190204.csv
  • https protocol to access same object


The commands beginning with aws s3 have much in common with shell syntax. Yay synergy! 😀

TODO: save history from demo


Submit your answers to these questions along with bash commands and output.

  1. SSH to an EC2 instance.
  2. Find which files are in the bucket stat196k-data-examples.
  3. How large are these files?
  4. How many files are in the bucket?
  5. Time how long it takes to download one of the files from S3 to your EC2 instance. What is a lower bound for the network bandwidth?
  6. How long does it take to download the same file to your local machine?
  7. How much faster is it to access the data in S3 from an EC2 instance versus downloading it?
