Syllabus for an Independent Study on Representation and Character Theory

Math 299 - Fall 2022
Subject to change.

Instructor Information

Course Information

Meetings and books

Learning Outcomes

In this course, students will (1) increase their capacity for critical thinking and fact-based reasoning, (2) develop the necessary competency with the concepts and mechanics of representations and characters of finite groups for further work in mathematics and other fields, and (3) improve their written and oral communication of mathematics.

Community Agreement

Members of this class represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Our class commits to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity and recognizes it as a source of strength. While working together to build this intellectual community, we ask all members to:

We will further develop this agreement together.

Tentative List of Topics

This is a rough list of what we will cover, but please be aware that it is subject to change.

Course Components


Our meetings will be focused on students presenting problems and asking questions. Participation will be graded on the following scale. (The score will be the highest one that applies.)

100% Contributing to discussion in a respectful way during essentially every period of in-class group work. (1 unexcused absence allowed)
80–95% Contributing to discussion in a respectful way during most periods of in-class group work. (2–5 unexcused absences)
< 80% Never or very rarely participates in class or is disrespectful.


The class will be responsible for carefully revising and typing up with $\LaTeX$ a subset of the problems and theorems we cover, together with necessary definitions and narrative providing context. All students will collaborate on creating a single document. I will give feedback throughout, and the finalized portfolio will be due at the end of the semester.

Grade composition

Overall grades for the course will be determined from the course components listed above with the following weighting:

The maximum cutoff for letter grades will be: A- 90%, B- 80%, C- 70%, D- 60%, F 59–0%.

Policies and Accommodations


If you know or think that you might need academic adjustments or accommodations, of any kind, please speak with me privately as soon as possible. If you have one, please bring a copy of your accommodation letter from the Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) office. All discussions will remain confidential.

Safety, Wellness, and COVID-19

If you become sick, please do not attend classes, but do let your instructors know. If you are experiencing any COVID-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, loss of smell or taste, nausea, diarrhea, or headache) or have had exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID, please contact Student Health & Counseling Services (SHCS) at 916-278-6461 to receive guidance and/or medical care.

We will be following Sacramento State’s COVID-19 policies. Vaccines are required for everyone on campus except those who have been granted a religious or medical exemption per the CSU’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement. Masks are strongly recommended indoors. Please respect your fellow students’ decision to mask or not mask. You can schedule a vaccine at My Turn California and find out more about vaccines and booster eligibility on the CDC website. Remember that COVID-19 is still a threat, even for those who are vaccinated and boosted. Please practice self-care, monitor your health for any possible symptoms of COVID-19, and contact a health care provider immediately should you believe you may be infected.

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty (including cheating and plagiarism) will result in disciplinary action and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct. If you are unsure what constitutes cheating, please speak with me and review Sacramento State’s Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures document here:

Student Resources

Crisis Assistance & Resource Education Support (CARES)

If you are experiencing challenges with food, housing, financial or other unique circumstances that are impacting your education, help is just a phone call (916-278-5138) or email ( away. The CARES office provides case management support for any enrolled student.

Learn more about your options and resources here:

Basic Needs Support

The ASI Food Pantry provides food and basic necessities to Sac State students in need at no cost. You just need to present a valid student OneCard. You can also utilize the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services (SFBFS). In fact, SFBFS offers more than just food. From clothing for a newborn baby or a teenager heading out on a job interview, to Immigration Legal Services or English as a Second Language classes, and more, SFBFS is proud to offer support to the people of Sacramento County in a variety of different ways.

Learn more here:

Sexual Misconduct

If you or someone you know has experienced any type of sexual violence (including harassment, assault, dating or domestic violence, or stalking), there are many confidential and non-confidential resources available on campus. So you know, the University requires faculty and staff to report any personal disclosures of sexual misconduct including rape, dating/domestic violence and stalking to the Title IX Coordinator. Students who do not wish to report their experience to me or the Title IX Coordinator may speak to someone confidentially by contacting Student Health and Counseling Services (916) 278-6461. You can also contact WEAVE, Inc. Sacramento, which provides confidential support 24 hours a day at (916) 920-2952.

If you are in immediate danger or need immediate assistance, please call 9-1-1 or if you are on campus, campus police at 916-278-6000. If it is after hours or the weekend and you need immediate advocacy, please call WEAVE’s 24-hour hotline at 916-920-2952.

Learn more here:

Student Health and Counseling Services

Your physical and mental health are important to your success as a college student. Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) in The WELL offers medical, counseling, and wellness services to help you get and stay healthy during your time at Sac State. SHCS offers: Primary Care medical services, including sexual and reproductive healthcare, transgender care, and immunizations; urgent care for acute illness, injuries, and urgent counseling needs; pharmacy for prescriptions and over-the-counter products; mental health counseling, including individual sessions, group counseling, support groups, mindfulness training, and peer counseling; athletic training for sports injury rehabilitation; wellness services, including nutrition counseling, peerled health education and wellness workshops, and free safer sex supplies; violence and sexual assault support services. Most services are covered by the Health Services fee and available at no additional cost.

Confidential counseling services are available for Sacramento State students. Counselors are located on the second floor of the WELL. Appointments can be made 8:00am–5:00pm, Monday–Friday. Call 916-278-6461 or go here to make an appointment.

If you are in immediate crisis, please call 9-1-1 or the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Learn more here:

Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD)

Sacramento State is committed to ensuring an accessible learning environment where course or instructional content are usable by all students and faculty. If you believe that you require disability-related academic adjustments for this class (including pregnancy-related disabilities), please immediately contact Services to Students with Disabilities (SSWD) to discuss eligibility. A current accommodation letter from SSWD is required before any modifications, above and beyond what is otherwise available for all other students in this class will be provided. Please be advised that disability-related academic adjustments are not retroactive. If you know or think you need academic adjustments or accommodations of any kind but do not have a letter from SSWD, please speak with me privately as soon as possible.

SSWD is located on the first floor of Lassen Hall 1008. Phone is 916-278-6955 and e-mail is For a complete listing of services and current business hours visit

More Resources

Sacramento State offers many more resources to support you and your peers. Reach out to me if you have any questions, or go here to learn more about many of them: