Hello everyone, my name is Zhijun Li and I am currently major in Computer Science at city college of San Francisco and planing to transfer California State Univresity, Sacramento. In my free time, I like listening to music, playing games and practicing LeetCode problems.
I am taking CNIT 132 - intermediate CSS and HTML as well as CNIT 131H - Introduction to HTML and CSS at City Colllege Of San Francisco. Before taking these classes, my only web developemnt experience is doing some simple bootdstrap styling for a project i did with some of my classesmates. I am also planing to take CNIT 133 - JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX in the future semester. I do really hope that I can learn something useful fom thesed class for my future career.
Technology has been endlessly growing as time went on. From this CNIT 132 recommended reading, "A Brief History of Web Development" by Colyn Emery, it briefly outlines the growth of web development. The article drew to an end with the topic of web development in the modern age after the tech crash of 2000-2001 and stated the maintenance of basic interface and structure of web pages within its growth.