
Thoughts on graphic organizers more

Annotated References

Gloria Dye more
Jamie McKenzie more

Workshop Outline /
Advanced Organizers

Overview and Using Inspiration more

and Some Thoughts...

Webpage design experience more

Work Shop Overview / Advanced Organizers

I used Inspiration to design a graphic organizer example that shows my students how they can use Inspiration to help them organize their thought process for their classes. I did not limit my example to one or two subject matters but tried to touch on what all classes have in common.
It is my hope they can use this example to give them ideas what they can do with graphic/advanced designers.



Then after I introduce the uses of graphic organizers to the students, I discuss with them that their teacher expects them to think about short term goals and long term goals and how it helps them stay focus throughout their college career. Examples 1, 2, 3, & 4 I use with the SmartBoard to help guide them through the process of using Inspriation so they can come back during open lab time and use Inspiration on their own to help with their classes.

Example 1:

Examples of Short-term, and Long-term Goals
List 1: "Short term goals" (a few hours or a day).

List 2: "Long term goals" (Months or years)





Then I close my training session with a reminder that students are not limited to goal setting and timelines in Inspiration. They can use it for any of their classes and refer back to the first example I made for them on how to use Inspiration.